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Youtube Channels Sailing Life

Money and Sailing –  (The Truth about Keith's Shady Past) – Sailing Zatara Z-Log

Money and Sailing – (The Truth about Keith's Shady…


In the YouTube video “Money and Sailing – (The Truth about Keith’s Shady Past) – Sailing Zatara Z-Log,” Keith and Renee of Sailing…

Ahoy! Sailing Teens on Night Watch (Teen Yacht Tuesday)

Ahoy! Sailing Teens on Night Watch (Teen Yacht Tuesday)


In this YouTube video, titled “Ahoy! Sailing Teens on Night Watch (Teen Yacht Tuesday),” the teens on board a yacht share their experiences…

Untouched TOBAGO! We made it to the CARIBBEAN! Episode 195

Untouched TOBAGO! We made it to the CARIBBEAN! Episode…


In the YouTube video titled “Untouched TOBAGO! We made it to the CARIBBEAN! Episode 195,” the Delos crew embarks on their journey to…

Equator Crossing Ceremony – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 36 – Video

Equator Crossing Ceremony – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 36…


In the YouTube video titled “Equator Crossing Ceremony – Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 36”, the crew of the Delos sail across the Halmahera…

Launching our New 60ft Trimaran! (La Vagabonde III)

Launching our New 60ft Trimaran! (La Vagabonde III)


In the YouTube video “Launching our New 60ft Trimaran! (La Vagabonde III),” the crew of La Vagabonde is seen excitedly preparing to drop…

Sailing Hardcore – Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing Part 2 of 8) S.V. Delos Ep. 417

Sailing Hardcore – Life in ROUGH SEAS! (Pacific Crossing…


In this YouTube video, the crew of S.V. Delos embark on a challenging journey across the Pacific Ocean. The video shows the harsh…

Our First Overnight Sail, with a Baby!

Our First Overnight Sail, with a Baby!


In this YouTube video, titled “Our First Overnight Sail, with a Baby!”, sailing couple Elena and Riley embark on a sailing trip with…

Who Needs Clothes on a Private Island? – S2:E68

Who Needs Clothes on a Private Island? – S2:E68


In the YouTube video titled “Who Needs Clothes on a Private Island? – S2:E68,” the sailing duo of Laura and Jim embark on…

Tour of our Totaled & Salvaged, Wrecked 49' Beneteau Sailboat! | Expedition Evans 2

Tour of our Totaled & Salvaged, Wrecked 49' Beneteau…


In our latest YouTube video, “Tour of our Totaled & Salvaged, Wrecked 49′ Beneteau Sailboat! | Expedition Evans 2,” we take you on…